Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Language in childhood

Who never care of children’s language learning skill may be surprised if get to know that children have built-in ability to absorb and equip themselves with language skill. Children are capable of making sentences out of a few vocabularies. This fact is a surprise and mystery.
Children try to use language just after a few months from birth. Babies start with unintelligible murmuring, like “wooo…war”. Gradually, they enhance their vocal apparatuses to speak surrounding mother language. This is absolutely a nature process. Nobody is making a baby to be capable of speaking language. The inner innate force of babies brings them into language learning process automatically. That kind of power is not yet clearly observed, by scientists and linguists, till now.
Even though children are gifted with super learning language skill, they are still lack to conceptualize their surrounding till adult age. They over generalize on word usage. They may enunciate “I taked the pen”. Actually, the past tense of take is “took”. But, it states clearly that over generalizing is a basis problem for children. It slowly disappears as they grow up.
It is essentially important not to let the children to be familiar with bad social surrounding. That kind of social surrounding affects on children’s language usage. Because, they will be molded as it is in their surrounding. We should make notice that un-polite children are mostly from bad social surrounding.
Actually, language is a human sharp distinction from all other kinds of living thing though scientists have found out that animals can also communicate through actions and verbal languages.
So, What I like to state as a conclusion is it is very important to take care of your children’s social surroundings. Because, children’s innate ability make them to be cope up with language usages. It should not be that bad surroundings are tools to format our children.

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