Saturday, September 6, 2008

Departing from the right way and entering into dictatorship

Some Christian Communities are starting to hold authority on their own Para churches and local churches. In some bible colleges, students are being controlled by many of rules and regulations. Poor management and lack of administration turn the bible college into nearly like a prison. Students are being watched carefully, for the virtue of the bible college, in whatever they do. The Bible colleges become less in understanding of liberty. Nowadays, the community where is full of emotional problems and huminilations is most in Bible Colleges. One generation, mostly of the principals, will continuously keep the bible college’s authority. It is happening mostly in Asian countries. They will never pass the college’s authority to any other outsider or staff.
What is the problem with today’s Bible colleges? Should we change now? Actually, in order to give this answer, we must look into the conducts of earlier churches. In the book of Acts, it is clear that everybody share everything in common. They never lack of eagerness to share each other. It is a beautiful image that Acts gives to us.
Usually, people are rational beings. Human beings are able of analyzing things and creative. But, the ways we act should not be going astray from the Biblical ideas. The failure comes when people consider choosing alternative way apart from Bible. So, would it be right to hold the bible college’s authority for all time? We know exactly that is not absolutely right. Actually, the difficult thing is the Bible does not have expression about bible colleges. There was no bible college in earlier time. Therefore, it is no strange that all bible college’s administration structures are different each other. Each bible college has its own weaknesses.
Anyway, departing from Biblical basis is damaging some bible colleges. Liberty is not considered as essential human need in some bible college’s communities. It is being totally ignored. If we look into the Bible, we can know that Jesus himself let Judas to betray him. Bible colleges maintain their students strictly with regulations. No beneficial essence will come out by that. Only uproars and rebellions from students may be a thing as feed back.
Therefore, finally, what is the reality to do along with administration and management of bible colleges? Here, it will be needed to more focus on Jesus’ liberty for his disciples. He never chased out Judas for betraying him from the community of disciples. It is magnificent and beautiful picture of Jesus’ administration. He had already known that Judas would betray him. But, He let him to be with him. This kind of recognizing others should be a quality of many bible colleges, whether they are good or bad. Most Bible colleges want to expel bad students instead of encouraging and energizing them. We will not get anything by doing that but only frustration and depression. Now, we, Christians, need to look back to ourselves. We have to evaluate ourselves.
A kingdom will never be established if builders conflict each other. A house will never be peaceful if family member can not understand each other’s weaknesses. Brothers and Sisters, we are components that are needed in building our Father’s house. From now on, lets not any component to be expelled from us. From Today, Lets any of our brother or sister to be astray from our Christian communities. Let’s understand each other’s needs and weaknesses and walk hand in hand in the name of our savior, LORD JESUS CHRIST.

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