Sunday, September 28, 2008

Going Deeper into Technology

People amaze at the magnificent works of technologies though they do not understand. A young lady wants to posses one gadget without knowing handling it properly. A kid want a computer just for playing games.
Then, what is the use of possessing technical things that can enhance our lives styles in various ways. Are we still standing on an age backwardly? People want gadgets for fame.
I once met a person who bought a digital camera. I asked some questions to him about the camera. But, he did not know anything about his camera though it is his.
He could not answer my questions. Then, it would better to throw it out.
There is a riddle: When you are in Rome, you have to behave like a Roman. How about nowadays people? The age is getting far more forward than us. Things become various and make us to complex. Anyhow, as we are the people of Modern Nano age, we are responsible to familiar with the latest technologies or gadgets.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

God Exists

We know that every design has its own designer. The computer that you are using now has designer. You can assure it full percentage. Then, why do some people of this world think that there is no God? Is not a tree a design? Is not a flower a design? Yes, they are absolutely designs. They have different own designs and idea of formations.
Some people close their eyes and reject the existence of God blindly. Should we be like that? We, human beings, have brains. We can think and ration. One action needs one or more cause to begin. Likewise, a design needs a designer to be formed.
Are we still numbing our minds with unreasonable thoughts and rations? Even we do not want to accept the moral values; we should be logical and realistic.
You accept that every design has its own designer. Then, why don’t you think that the trees that you see when you go to your job have a designer? Why don’t you think that flowers that you give to your beloved ones have a designer? Why don’t you think that you yourself are a design and have a designer? Look at your fingers that you are using now! Who designed it? Answer me logically and reasonably. Think for 5 minutes.
Brothers and Sisters, now, you know that God really exists.

The Language in childhood

Who never care of children’s language learning skill may be surprised if get to know that children have built-in ability to absorb and equip themselves with language skill. Children are capable of making sentences out of a few vocabularies. This fact is a surprise and mystery.
Children try to use language just after a few months from birth. Babies start with unintelligible murmuring, like “wooo…war”. Gradually, they enhance their vocal apparatuses to speak surrounding mother language. This is absolutely a nature process. Nobody is making a baby to be capable of speaking language. The inner innate force of babies brings them into language learning process automatically. That kind of power is not yet clearly observed, by scientists and linguists, till now.
Even though children are gifted with super learning language skill, they are still lack to conceptualize their surrounding till adult age. They over generalize on word usage. They may enunciate “I taked the pen”. Actually, the past tense of take is “took”. But, it states clearly that over generalizing is a basis problem for children. It slowly disappears as they grow up.
It is essentially important not to let the children to be familiar with bad social surrounding. That kind of social surrounding affects on children’s language usage. Because, they will be molded as it is in their surrounding. We should make notice that un-polite children are mostly from bad social surrounding.
Actually, language is a human sharp distinction from all other kinds of living thing though scientists have found out that animals can also communicate through actions and verbal languages.
So, What I like to state as a conclusion is it is very important to take care of your children’s social surroundings. Because, children’s innate ability make them to be cope up with language usages. It should not be that bad surroundings are tools to format our children.

Psychological needs and Christians

Many believers ignore the psychological conditions of themselves and others’. Psychology is not considered as essential part in many churches. Some churches do not care of it even they know about it very well.
Human beings are composed of mind and physical body. They should never lack of anything of those. Physical and psychological conditions are totally related with each others. On damage of one, another will be overlapped.
Many churches fail because of lacking in both fields, especially in psychology. Humans mind are being shaped by his surrounding societies. One person may conceptualize the ideas of his own society while another person does in another society. But, we know that every society is not good. A good man is a product of a good society.
Society refers to family, friends, neighbors and coworkers, etc. The impact of society on human minds is visibly measurable. For example, Hitler hatred Jews because he had seen Jewish people extort and earn unjust interest on his own Germans. This view led him to kill more than 4 millions of Jews. This was a great negative society impact that Hitler had. Hitler’s mind was totally molded by his own society.
Therefore, psychological cares for church members are absolutely needed.
In order to forbid negative psychological impacts on church members, Christians have to prevent dangerous social regulations and ideas, such as accepting abortion as a right to do. Nowadays, people become so liberal that they can not see clearly of ethical values. The liberty becomes a tool to do whatever they like. People become egocentric. Societies’ moral values are being reduced. These are the significances of damaged and unbalanced psychological situations of world’s peoples.
What do Christians need to do now? We, Christians, take charge only when the problem prevails. Christians should know that prevention is better than cure. Every church members should be on the way that God wants them to be in. Christians are responsible to take care of each other. That responsibility is not only of pastors. As the conclusion, we should be also very sensitive to each other’s physic psychological needs not just physical needs.

Departing from the right way and entering into dictatorship

Some Christian Communities are starting to hold authority on their own Para churches and local churches. In some bible colleges, students are being controlled by many of rules and regulations. Poor management and lack of administration turn the bible college into nearly like a prison. Students are being watched carefully, for the virtue of the bible college, in whatever they do. The Bible colleges become less in understanding of liberty. Nowadays, the community where is full of emotional problems and huminilations is most in Bible Colleges. One generation, mostly of the principals, will continuously keep the bible college’s authority. It is happening mostly in Asian countries. They will never pass the college’s authority to any other outsider or staff.
What is the problem with today’s Bible colleges? Should we change now? Actually, in order to give this answer, we must look into the conducts of earlier churches. In the book of Acts, it is clear that everybody share everything in common. They never lack of eagerness to share each other. It is a beautiful image that Acts gives to us.
Usually, people are rational beings. Human beings are able of analyzing things and creative. But, the ways we act should not be going astray from the Biblical ideas. The failure comes when people consider choosing alternative way apart from Bible. So, would it be right to hold the bible college’s authority for all time? We know exactly that is not absolutely right. Actually, the difficult thing is the Bible does not have expression about bible colleges. There was no bible college in earlier time. Therefore, it is no strange that all bible college’s administration structures are different each other. Each bible college has its own weaknesses.
Anyway, departing from Biblical basis is damaging some bible colleges. Liberty is not considered as essential human need in some bible college’s communities. It is being totally ignored. If we look into the Bible, we can know that Jesus himself let Judas to betray him. Bible colleges maintain their students strictly with regulations. No beneficial essence will come out by that. Only uproars and rebellions from students may be a thing as feed back.
Therefore, finally, what is the reality to do along with administration and management of bible colleges? Here, it will be needed to more focus on Jesus’ liberty for his disciples. He never chased out Judas for betraying him from the community of disciples. It is magnificent and beautiful picture of Jesus’ administration. He had already known that Judas would betray him. But, He let him to be with him. This kind of recognizing others should be a quality of many bible colleges, whether they are good or bad. Most Bible colleges want to expel bad students instead of encouraging and energizing them. We will not get anything by doing that but only frustration and depression. Now, we, Christians, need to look back to ourselves. We have to evaluate ourselves.
A kingdom will never be established if builders conflict each other. A house will never be peaceful if family member can not understand each other’s weaknesses. Brothers and Sisters, we are components that are needed in building our Father’s house. From now on, lets not any component to be expelled from us. From Today, Lets any of our brother or sister to be astray from our Christian communities. Let’s understand each other’s needs and weaknesses and walk hand in hand in the name of our savior, LORD JESUS CHRIST.
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